Major Assessment Unit
SE/B06/19: Low in so many ways!
Woman on bed
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A 63 year old woman presented to the ED at 13:45. There was little history available from her, but the family were able to give some background.

On initial assessment she was tachycardic (130), tachypnoeic (30), hypothermic (32.5), and had a GCS of 12/15 (E = 4, V = 3, M = 5).

The history from her family was that she had been unwell for 4 days and had not been eating or drinking.

She has been a fairly frequent attender to the ED, mostly with psychiatric presentations. They had a copy of her repeat prescription card (atorvastatin, candesartan, citalopram, phenytoin, metformin, and folic acid).

Oxygen was given by face mask, Intravenous access was obtained and an arterial blood gas was taken for analysis on the resus room analyser.