Waiting Room
please choose a case from the department
Case No. Title Age Presentation
SE/B06/008 FOOSH or is it? 50 Painful wrist
SE/BB/0618 Henry Toma 25 subungual hematoma
SE/BB/0495 Ivor Saulted 18 assault
SE/BB/0772 Ivor Venous 26 DVT
SE/BB/0600 Ian Burns 22 burns to eye
SE/BB/0257 Brad Head 30 severe head injury
SE/BB/0614 Matt Titus Derm 1 seborrhoeic dermatitis
SE/BB/0246 Stella Oide 42 rheumatoid arthritis
SE/BB/0144 Annie Collar 24 dislocation
SE/BB/0242 Luke A. Lot 50 fitting
SE/BB/0402 Joy Smith 24 painful breast
SE/BB/0101 Ian A. Holic 56 cellulitis
SE/BB/0523 Andy Amhtsa 20 exacerbation of asthma
SE/BB/0639 Andy Racer 25 Road Traffic Accident
SE/BB/0671 Ca Nine 33 dog bite
SE/BB/0725 Madie Toma 95 pre-tibial haematoma
SE/BB/0287 Andy Smash 60 RTA
SE/BB/0185 Robert T. Skid 68 RTA
SE/B06/001 Red all over 22 Rash
SE/B06/006 The overnight flight from America??? 65 Painful eye
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