A shift in the Minor Injuries Unit
SE/C02/902: Swollen Clavicle
Child standing
Back to St Emlyn's Reception

The late presentation should alert you to possibility of NAI.

Other features suggestive of NAI would include:
-The explanation of the injury by the carer is not consistent with the injury sustained or the developmental stage of the child.

-There may be no explanation for the injuries or a story that changes on repetition. The child may offer an explanation at odds with that of the carer.

-Evidence of neglect
-Multiple unusual bruising patterns
-Evidence of old injuries
-X-ray indication of old or current fractures
-Tearing frenulum
-Cigarette burns
-Bite marks
-Fundal examination will identify retinal haemorrhages
-The child may well be withdrawn with a facial appearance of fear called 'frozen watchfulness'

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