A shift in the Minor Injuries Unit
SE/C02/912: Toe injury
Man standing
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Examination / conditions of the great toe

Hallux Valgus
-Note any valgus deformity (if severe the great toe may pronate and undrer-ride or may over-ride the second
-Note the presence of any bursa over the MP joint (buion), and active inflammatory changes
-Tenderness is often absent or confined to the bunion

Hallux rigidusosteoarthritis of the 1st MPJ
-The toe may be thickened
-The toe may be flexed
-There mae be extensive callus under the great toe
-Tenderness over exostoses which form dorsal, medial, anf lateral surfaces of joint

-redish blue discoloration
-acute tenderness round the MTP Joint

-tenerness to sesamoid bones under 1st MTP

Egyptian Foot = when the great toe is longest

Rectangular foot = when great and second toes are equal length

Greek foot = when the second toe is longest (just wrong)

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