Children's Unit
SF/E01/051: Joshua Trie
Child on bed
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You give high flow oxygen by face mask.
You call for help (Paeds and senior ED support).
You try and look for a vein but cannot see one.
You place an IO needle in the right tibia.
You estimate weight at 16Kg and give a bolus of 1.6g Cefotaxime.
You follow this with a bolus of 80ml 10% glucose followed by 320ml N/Saline and reassess.

A - patent
B - RR 32
C - cap ref 4 secs, P 160, BP 80/45
D - AVPU still P
E - BM 5.5 Rash is appearing before your eyes.

You call the paediatric anaesthetist and give a bolus of IO steroids.
You give another bolus of 320ml N/Saline.